How to Tell if Marijuana Seeds are Good or Bad

How to Tell if Marijuana Seeds are Good or Bad

We live in this day and age where the use of CBD and marijuana is no longer heavily restricted as it was before and is now readily available almost anywhere you go. You can just go online and order some marijuana seeds or CBD oil and have them delivered straight to your doorstep. However, with […]

Hydroponics cannabis growing

Hydroponics – The Secret to Growing Plants You Need To Know

Planting has become a popular hobby for so many people worldwide. Whatever you’re thinking of growing, you must be writing down the list of things you need already: seeds, plants, soil, and tools. Of course, if you’re new to all this, you might not know about hydroponics. Essentially, it is the practice of growing plants […]

whats wrong with your hemp seeds

Growing Problems – What’s Wrong with Your Hemp Seeds

The promise of harvesting a healthy batch of hemp or marijuana is an inviting dream to have. It’s an excellent goal for people who want to grow their herbs through a DIY process, saving them hundreds instead of buying from sellers. However, growing cannabis seeds can have a steep learning curve. Growing Problems with Cannabis […]

The Cannabis Flowering Stage

What Should You Do at the Cannabis Flowering Stage?

The flowering stage is the most significant aspect of marijuana cultivation for professional growers. When plants transition from the vegetative to the flowering stage, their growth slows down. When they begin to develop blooms (known as buds), it’s time to give them a new treatment, including changing light and nutrients. To help you get the […]

Storing Cannabis Seeds

Keeping Your Cannabis Seeds Alive Part 1 – Proper Storage Tips You Should Know

Growers likely have a stash of high-quality cannabis seeds. As for non-commercial cultivators, storing the rest is a viable and cost-effective way to maintain your crop. Cannabis seeds are durable by nature, but that doesn’t mean you can leave them in your closet and expect a fruitful harvest down the line. If you plan to […]

How to spot bad cannabis seeds

How to Spot Bad Cannabis Seeds

If you’re just starting out planting your own cannabis garden, then you might have some concerns regarding your seeds. The stone cold truth is that no matter where you get your seeds, there will always be a ‘bad’ one in the mix. Bad seeds are those seeds that never sprout, which is a waste of […]

Growing cannabis Seeds

How to Grow Your Cannabis Seeds at Home

Growing cannabis can be overwhelming for a first-timer. Just like other plants, they require a lot of care, attention, and time. However, unlike other plants, you don’t just plant them in the soil, give them a bit of sunshine, and provide them with some water from time-to-time—it takes a lot more to ensure it grows […]

Grade Your Cannabis Seeds

Harvesting Cannabis – How to Grade Your Cannabis Seeds

Raising a bountiful harvest of cannabis can be challenging, especially since it’s a type of plant that has very particular needs. You’ll need to set up an environment that can attend to its different requirements, from the right humidity levels to appropriate soil nutrient conditions. Any miscalculation you make can ruin an entire crop, leading […]

Germinating marijuana seeds

Growing Marijuana Plants Successfully – Germination

Cultivating marijuana plants can enable you to have a convenient supply right at your fingertips. However, you need to be mindful of the proper care process and have access to the best marijuana seeds. Fortunately for you, all you have to do is keep reading to get started on your dreams of growing your marijuana […]

how to deal with stretching cannabis seedlings

How to Deal with Stretching Cannabis Seedlings

Deal with Stretching Cannabis Seedlings – Many new marijuana growers may believe that having spindly, stretchy stems from seedlings is an impression of a tall plant waiting to flourish. However, it is a tell-tale sign of stress and serves as the bane of unseasoned cultivators. The long stems don’t provide a stable base for the […]