Storing Cannabis Seeds

Keeping Your Cannabis Seeds Alive Part 1 – Proper Storage Tips You Should Know

Growers likely have a stash of high-quality cannabis seeds. As for non-commercial cultivators, storing the rest is a viable and cost-effective way to maintain your crop. Cannabis seeds are durable by nature, but that doesn’t mean you can leave them in your closet and expect a fruitful harvest down the line.

If you plan to keep them stored for long periods, the right methods can preserve them for up to an impressive ten years! But seeing as they’re not invincible, you need to consider the ideal living conditions it needs to stay fresh for a long time.

Factors to Consider When Storing Cannabis Seeds


It’s easy to think that plants will love sunny spots, but storing cannabis seeds effectively requires cooler temperatures if you don’t want them to germinate prematurely. The cold doesn’t bother them, so keeping them in a place that maintains a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius or less can keep them alive and thriving for years to come.

The cooler the temperature, the higher the seeds’ chances of surviving. Experienced growers invest in a dedicated refrigerator for the seeds, though beginners can put them in a dark, vacuum-sealed container inside the freezer to prevent germination from taking place.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t let the cannabis seeds thaw once you finally take them out of their hiding spot since it will lower their viability.


Another critical factor that can make or mar your cannabis seeds’ life is its storage condition’s humidity levels. Too much moisture in the air can be fatal for the cannabis seeds, making this one of the biggest threats that growers should always be mindful of throughout their storage.

Your cannabis seeds respond differently depending on the relative humidity, so consider the chart below as a guide:

Humidity LevelsEffect on Cannabis Seeds
80-100%Excessive moisture can cause your cannabis seeds to wilt and die within 12 hours.
40-60%The optimal humidity level for germinating, which you’re trying to avoid when storing cannabis seeds.
20-30%The optimal humidity level for safe storage.
18-20%The heat can be too much for the cannabis seeds to handle, causing them to sweat and leave wet spots.
12-14%Conditions make your storage area a breeding ground for mould and other forms of fungi to attack your cannabis seeds.
8-9%Your seeds will become food for insects and pests.

The Bottom Line: What to Consider When Storing and Preserving Cannabis Seeds

Cannabis seeds are the start of it all, the reason behind people’s cerebral flight to cloud nine. Despite the high times it brings and the hardiness of cannabis seeds, they need plenty of TLC to survive and maintain their quality as they wait for their turn to grow.

How Can We Help You?

With the availability of numerous cannabis seeds in the market, finding high-quality, well-grown, and curated products can be a bit challenging to find. However, you can trust that Coffee Shop Seeds will deliver all your cannabis needs.

If you’re looking for cannabis seeds, such as CBD crew therapy seeds, Coffee Shop Seeds offers all the essentials and more. We provide great value and quality cannabis seeds, marijuana seeds, and CBD. Check out our selection today!

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