Keep your cannabis seeds in good shape

Simple Tips to Keep Your Cannabis Seeds in Good Shape

The attention you give your cannabis seeds will decide how well your plants develop and how successful your harvest will be. Because we’re dealing with a natural product that needs to mature, the conditions in which it’s stored will affect its eventual yield. Even though marijuana seeds are tough and self-sufficient, you need to take […]

Introduction to How Autoflower Seeds Are Made

An Inside Introduction to How Autoflower Seeds Are Made

Life can get pretty stressful, but all you need sometimes is to just reset and recharge by utilising cannabis seeds. Whether it’s for mixing into your oil, creating your own special medicinal blend or more, it can be rather freeing to use for whatever purpose you’d like. Cannabis offers quite a number of prospects for […]

different cannabis strains

What You Should Know About Different Cannabis Strains/Varieties

Those who are pretty new to the world of weed may not be aware that there are different types of marijuana. Sooner or later, you’re going to encounter terms like ‘hybrid,’ ‘Indica,’ or ‘Sativa. These terms are used to mean different strains of cannabis. If you are planning to get some cannabis seeds and grow […]

Barneys farm cannabis seed breeders

Breeder Focus – Barney’s Farm

This week we introduce you to Barney’s Farm (if Barney’s need any introduction). Imagine spending 3 years in the rural Himalayan mountains! Well, that was the beginnings of Barney’s Farm. In the late 1980’s a group breeders did just that. Meticulously selecting cannabis strains from every corner of the Asian continent, they began to cross […]

Growing Cannabis Outdoors in the UK

What You Need to Know About Growing Cannabis Outdoors in the UK

If you use CBD, you probably wonder if you can grow cannabis in your yard in the UK. The short answer to that is yes (although you will need a license from the Home Office if you do not wish to break the law). However, different parts of the country pose varying challenges. For instance, […]

cannabis seeds as part of your nutritional diet

Making Cannabis Seeds a Part of Your Nutritional Diet

Cannabis has long been a well-rounded plant that has been beneficial since ancient times. It was a plant that was used in Asia for various purposes. Long before it was effectively used in treating symptoms and illness, it was already a herbal medicine used by the ancient people. It was also part of their religious […]

3 Popular High CBD Strains

3 Popular High CBD Strains That You Need to Know About

Cannabis products have grown in popularity in the last couple of years. Due to its surge in popularity, cannabis and cannabis products have also continuously gotten better. One of the most important developments when it comes to cannabis is the rise in CBD-dominant strains. CBD, or cannabidiol, is the second most prevalent ingredient in cannabis. […]

Cannabis Seed Germination Made Easy - The Substrate Method

Cannabis Seed Germination Made Easy – The Substrate Method

Ah, cannabis seed growing: once considered a pipe dream for bud-lovers, this particular activity is now easy to start thanks to legalisation and increasing accessibility to certain resources. Whether you’re looking to grow your own supply for smoking or simply in the growing game for the sake of health-related benefits, cultivating nature’s one-stop-shop in your […]

How to Tell if Marijuana Seeds are Good or Bad

How to Tell if Marijuana Seeds are Good or Bad

We live in this day and age where the use of CBD and marijuana is no longer heavily restricted as it was before and is now readily available almost anywhere you go. You can just go online and order some marijuana seeds or CBD oil and have them delivered straight to your doorstep. However, with […]

cannabis seedling issues

3 Common Cannabis Seedling Issues

If you’ve recently bought cannabis seeds, you’re likely invested in making sure they sprout and thrive to become high-quality marijuana plants. However, taking care of seedlings can be tricky, especially when it’s your first time trying to grow a plant. You may run into a few issues when growing cannabis seedlings, which will affect them […]