The truth About Cannabis Seeds - Do They Go Bad

The truth About Cannabis Seeds – Do They Go Bad?

Perhaps you’re here because you tried germinating some old cannabis seeds but found that nothing happened. Or maybe you’re here because you’ve stored some seeds, and you’re thinking of planting them again, but you’re risking time not knowing if they’re viable or not. Whatever reason you have, the common question is this: Can marijuana seeds actually go bad?

While many articles on the web could help answer your questions, having too many sources can actually confuse you more than any good. Thankfully, we’ve created this quick guide to answer your question on whether cannabis seeds go bad.

From knowing what affects their quality to know how to prevent them from going bad—we’ve got you covered. If you’re ready to learn more about it, let’s get to it!

Do Cannabis Seeds Go Bad?

Let’s cut to the chase and start with the truth: Yes, cannabis seeds go bad. Just like any organic matter, cannabis seeds don’t last very long and are viable for up to five years, but only if you store them properly.

However, this will still depend on many factors, and with the right techniques, you can still get close to a 100 percent chance of germinating them. With that said, one of the most important things to focus on is ensuring that you treat them properly so they can germinate successfully.

Why Do Cannabis Seeds Go Bad?

Many growers wonder why cannabis seeds go bad and if there is a way to prevent them from going bad. We’ve found a reason for this, and it all boils down to how you store them.

If you look closely, cannabis seeds have a protective outer shell that keeps the insides safe while allowing air and moisture to enter. So, if the shell is damaged, it can affect the root, embryonic shoot, stem, and oil sac, affecting the quality of your seeds.

With that said, without proper storage, your seeds are susceptible to countless environmental factors. So instead of sustaining damage in the outer shell, the inner components may get damaged as well.

What Factors Make Your Cannabis Seed Go Bad?

  • Temperature: Warmth can trigger germination and launch some chemical processes that could start the process of germination. With that, it can start to use up its nutrients, making it go bad much faster. For this reason, it’s best to keep your seeds at a cold temperature.
  • Humidity: If your cannabis seeds are in a humid environment, the seeds can rot much faster. And just like temperature, this can trigger other germination issues as well.
  • Light: If you’re storing cannabis seeds in a transparent container, then light can easily penetrate through, which can damage your seeds. Besides that, it can also stimulate germination.
  • Air: As your seeds age, they can get more air, which can cause the cells to break down the tissue, making it go bad much faster.

The Bottom Line: Be Mindful of How You Store Your Cannabis Seeds

It’s safe to say that how you store your cannabis seeds can greatly affect the viability of your seeds. With that said, it’s best to keep them in the right containers and environment, such as dark, air tight containers, low humidity and temperature, and away from fluctuating environments.

How Can We Help You?

Coffee Shop Seeds offers all the essentials and more if you’re looking for cannabis seeds, such as CBD crew therapy seeds. We provide great value and quality cannabis seeds, marijuana seeds, and CBD.

If you’re looking for cannabis seeds,  check out our selection today!

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