Hemp Male Plants - What Makes Them Important

Hemp Male Plants – What Makes Them Important

When it comes to growing hemp and cannabis plants, the female seeds often get the spotlight for their key role in producing all the coveted properties of hemp: higher cannabinoids. With that in mind, most think of male hemp seeds as something to remove as it can stunt the plant’s growth and lower the potential cannabinoids.

While male hemp seeds don’t do well in creating a harvest that is chockful of beneficial properties, it’s still important in more ways than one. Male seeds do not flower, nor produce cannabinoids, but it does have one very special thing that female seeds do not: pollen. Pollen is the yellow dust that forms on the stigmas of a female cannabis or hemp plant.

Why is Pollinating Bad for Female Hemp Seeds?

The pollen is exactly what male plants produce to help in their mission to create seeds by pollinating female plants. If the male hemp seeds are planted alongside female ones, the pollen can cause the female seeds to become impregnated and create seeds instead of the needed cannabidiols.

As we’ve mentioned, female hemp seeds are the ideal seed for growing hemp plants. But, because female plants need to be left un-pollinated, male seeds tend to be purchased for less to be separated from the female plants.

The Importance of Male Hemp Seeds

Male seeds do not flower, nor produce cannabinoids, but it does have one very special thing that female seeds do not: pollen. Pollen is the yellow dust that forms on the stigmas of a female cannabis or hemp plant. In addition, male hemp seeds are also crucial in the creation of new strains.

What Else Can You Do with Male Hemp Plants?

1. Healthy Juice Production

You can juice male hemp plants. Just like female marijuana strains, male hemp plants also offer similar flavours and effects. The male hemp plant is a great source of protein and fibre, as well as a healthy addition to your smoothies and juices.

2. More Manufacture of Fine Textiles

Male hemp plants can also be utilised in the manufacturing process of fine textiles. The male hemp plants are put through the same process as their female counterparts, including the stripping of their fibre. In that regard, they can be made into tablecloths, towels, sheets, and more.

3. For Pesticide Plants

Not only are male hemp plants good for healthy cooking and beverages. They are also great to put in your garden as a natural pesticide. The male hemp plants can help draw in unwanted bugs while leaving your plants (and the rest of your garden) unharmed.

The Bottom Line: Don’t Throw Your Male Hemp Seeds Right Away

Since they’re not offering any benefits in terms of cannabinoids, male hemp plants are usually unwanted and are often uprooted right away. But it is important to know that they have other useful properties and can be put to good use.

How Can We Help You?

Coffee Shop Seeds offers all the essentials and more if you’re looking for cannabis seeds, such as CBD crew therapy seeds. We provide great value and quality cannabis seeds, marijuana seeds, and CBD.

If you’re looking for autoflowering seeds,  check out our selection today!

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