Our Guide to Choosing the Right Pot for Cannabis Plants

There are various types of containers or pots for growing cannabis. Depending on how you grow, where you grow, and what type of containers you use, you will yield different results one way or another. Each pot is different, with some having characteristics that make them unique, like how the cannabis’ roots grow in those pots or how airy they are.

When it comes to choosing which pot is perfectfor your cannabis, some questions need to be addressed first:

  • Which container or pot will best serve the needs of your plant?
  • How much time can you provide to maintain the growth of your plants?
  • How much space do you have indoor or in your garden?

For best results, you must ensure that yourcannabis roots have sufficient access to:

  • Water – to have healthy plants, waterretention is a must. Make sure that you provide your roots with enough accessto proper drainage to reduce the risk of damage and death.
  • Oxygen – just like most livingorganisms, your cannabis roots also require oxygen to properly function. Moreoxygen to the roots equals faster and healthier growth.
  • Nutrients – for nutrientabsorption to occur, your cannabis roots require the best possible condition.This includes optimal temperature, available nutrients, and pH balance.

Typesof Containers for Cannabis Plants

Cannabis plants can adapt to the type of potsor containers used, which means that the growth of your plants will depend onwhich one you use. If you have a square pot, your plant will grow out in asquare shape. Similarly, if your pot is taller, you will likely end up with ataller plant.

Here are several common pots used and its prosand cons:

TraditionalPlastic Containers

For those on a budget, standard plasticcontainers are a common choice. Though they are affordable, they still providethe basic essentials for your plants.


  • It has cheap overhead costs
  • It has solid drainage and easy toadd extra holes
  • It is easy to transplant


  • It may face airflow issues,depending on the growth medium
  • It cannot protect the roots fromfluctuations of the temperature
  • It lacks the durability which canresult in cracks and structural damage


Also known as terra-cotta, ceramic containersare ideal for growers living in hot-climate areas.


  • It is ideal for anchoring largerplants due to its heavyweight
  • It retains lower temperatures andabsorbs moisture during hot weather


  • It is difficult to transport
  • It has a less-than-optimaldrainage system


Fabric pots are relatively new discoveries incontainer gardening. They offer many benefits when it comes to healthy rootsystem enhancement.


  • It increases airflow to the roots
  • It promotes denser and healthyroot composition
  • It has an excellent drainagesystem for carefully-maintained gardens


  • It is difficult to support theplant due to its shaky structure
  • It needs more maintenance andattention since the pots tend to dry out quickly (larger pots can be used tohelp slow dry-out)


Air pots also apply the same method of airpruning like the fabric pots. However, air pots are stronger and sturdier sincethey are made of more durable materials.


  • It has excellent airflow anddrainage
  • It has perforations that allowthem to better catch and prune roots


  • It can be more expensive due tothe complex design and materials used
  • It needs more care and wateringthan any other standard containers

The decision on what pot to use for your cannabisplants is mostly based on maintenance. Some containers require lessmaintenance, while others need a little more watering and monitoring. It allboils down to how much time you can spend nurturing your garden daily.

If you are looking for RQS, hemp or CBD seeds to grow in your pots, get in touch with Coffee Shop Seeds to see how we can help!

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