Grass-O-Matic Seeds

Grass'o'Matic cannabis seedbank

Grass-o-Matic are Spanish breeders originating from Valencia. The first seed bank in the world to feminize auto-flowering plants, Grass-o-Matic seeds have made a name for themselves in the breeding industry, despite being a relatively small company.

Starting in 2007, Grass-o-Matic seeds focused solely on the production of superior, dependable auto-flowering varieties of cannabis seeds. Highly praised for their rate of germination, Grass-o-Matic seeds undergo a very rigorous quality control test to ensure maximum freshness and quality for the customer.

Offering a small but high quality range of cannabis seeds focusing on Auto Flowering Feminized marijuana seeds. One example of their fantastic strains is MED GOM 1.0. She is the result of a long research and development process carried out by Grass-O-Matic and CBD Crew to obtain a high grade medicinal cannabis strain with the advantages of automatic flowering. All the seeds of MED GOM 1.0 will generate females plants with a minimum guaranteed content of Cannabidiol (CBD) of 4% and which are ready to harvest within 60/65 days from germination.

Coffee Shop Seeds are honoured to be able to offer Grass-o-Matic feminize auto-flowering cannabis seeds

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